Motivation for Self-Consumption

We ended last year and also the three-year project with an online user research study on preferences regarding specific information about self-consumption communities for interested potential users. Here you can now download the results of the user research on the WP 4 online study on motivating approaches to foster participation in new business models. Thanks again to the people who took the time to answer our survey despite the ongoing burdens of the pandemic situation in whole Europe.

Home Straight

The NEMoGrid project is coming to an end and we are finalizing the documentation of the last project results.

Here you can now download the results of the user research on the WP 5 field trial in Lugaggia. Thanks to the people who took the time to answer our survey about their experiences with the Peer-to-Peer scenario despite the end of the year and Corona!

Furthermore, you can find the corresponding deliverable D5.5 Summary of Consumer and Prosumer Field Trial Results as well as the deliverable D6.3 Third year dissemination report now under Publications. 

Merry Christmas

The very troubled year 2020 is coming to an end. The whole NEMoGrid consortium wishes:

Merry Christmas at home and a healthy start into the new year 2021!

Field Research

Although it is winter already, we are doing field research and harvesting the fruits of our three years lasting project. The field trials in Lugaggia and Björklinge are running. Here, we are testing the Peer-to-Peer and the DSO controlled business model. Futhermore, the final user research study is running. If you are a prosumer (producing energy e.g. via a photovoltaic plant) or a consumer (obtaining energy from your energy supplier) you are kindly invited to participate in a final user questionnaire HERE. With this questionnaire, we focus on user perspectives for the design of Peer-to-Peer energy management and draw 40 people among all the respondents, who will receive 25 € for their efforts.


HCI International 2020

From today on until Friday the 24th a NEMoGrid poster decribing the results of the two focus groups conducted in November 2019 is virtually presented on the HCI International 2020. Originally, the conference was planned to held physically at the Bella Sky Hotel in Copenhagen, Denmark. But due to the Corona situation Maria and Susen summarized the results on a 900 x 900 pixel sized image and uploaded it to a virtual poster session. Conference attendees could raise questions via email. The comprehensive results are described in a short paper in the conference proceedings. You cand find further information on our publication site.

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