NEMoGrid Partners

The NEMoGrid consortia consists of different partners form industry and academia. The consortium as a whole adresses three different layers of developement: technology, marketplace and stakeholders/adoption.


SUPSI has more than 30 years long experience in PV, covering the complete pipeline of this technology, from PV module testing and modelling to systems analysis.

In the last years, the ISAAC institute participated to a number of projects in the smart grid field, by specializing itself in decentralized demand side management. ISAAC is an active member of the Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research on Future Swiss Electrical Infrastructure SCCER FURIES. The Department of Business Economics, Health and Social Care (DEASS) aims to provide specific input to the interpretation of health, economic and social policy issues, focusing particularly on the challenges and needs of citizens, businesses, organisations and public institutions in the territory.

SUPSI is responsible for the project management, the scenarios 2025, and the market and tariff design work packages. It also contributes to the Modeling and Simulation and the Implementation work packages.


The Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg, ZSW) is one of the leading institutes for applied research in the areas of photovoltaics, renewable fuels, battery technology, fuel cells, and energy system analysis. There are currently around 230 scientists, engineers, and technicians employed at ZSW’s three locations in Stuttgart, Ulm, and Widderstall.

The ZSW is the leader of the modelling and simulation work package. Within this work package, ZSW contributes to the project with the development and simulation of intelligent autonomous agents in the context of new innovative business models to ensure a cost and energy efficient operation.

TU Chemnitz

The professorship Cognitive and Engineering Psychology at the Chemnitz University of Technology has extensive research experience in the investigation of user-related aspects such as acceptance, motivation and general user-system interaction in the context of smart grid appliances.

During the NEMoGrid project, the TU Chemnitz is  responsible for the investigation of consumer and prosumer perspectives, their motivation, and acceptance.


Sustainable Innovation is a non-profit organisation owned by the Association for Energy Efficiency (Effekt) where Riksbyggen, Vattenfall, Göteborg Energi, Fagerhult, Toyota, Stockholmshem, ÅF, Intel, White, Centigo and WSP are members. 

Multinational companies, and other actors are setting goals for the new energy challenges we face. But to set these goals in action, we must take them from the planning stage to the public in the form of projects and real solutions. Together with our members we realize our sustainable future. Within NEMoGrid we are coordinating the api development and deployment in the testsite in sweden.


Ngenic creates a platform for the smart home and has chosen to start the revolution with intelligent control of indoor climate. The possibilities are enormous. The company was founded in Uppsala in 2010.  Ngenic will implement a control api to let the NEMoGrid system control the heatpumps in the large test facility north of uppsala where 500 homes are participating in a smartgrid pilot with 1MW of demand flexibilty.


The sonnen Group is one of the fastest growing companies in Germany. In a ranking of the “Top 50 Smartest Companies 2016” by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), sonnen was listed alongside Amazon, Facebook and Tesla. Investors in the Bavarian company include the US technology corporation General Electric. sonnen already supplies over 100,000 people globally with energy. The sonnenCommunity is an online network based on the blockchain idea for sharing self-generated power.

For field testing sonnen contributes dedicated sonnenBatteries to NEMoGrid. sonnen also supports the market and tariff design work packages by its experience and data obtained in the sonnenCommunity.

Upplands Energi

Upplands Energi is customer owned rural distribution grid situated just north of the University City of Uppsala. The grid has 14 000 customers.

Being a customer owned grid the main focus is to not increase the grid cost, Which hasn't been needed for the last 5 years. investing in future smartgrid solutions is therefore necessary.

Being part of Sweden's most advanced smart grid projects gives the possibility to use both batteries, heatpumps and car charging as assets in the power control and enduser flexibility is important. Being part of the field trials of NEMoGrid will be very interesting says Joacim Eronen CEO of Upplands energi

Hive Power

Hive Power provides consultancy services to optimize the electrical distribution grid, both from the technical and economic points of view. Hive Power develops a turnkey solution for the creation and management of local energy communities on the blockchain, providing economic optimization for their participants by lowering their bills and valorizing their assets. Our role in the NEMoGrid project is to give access to our blockchain-based solution for the management of energy communities.